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Feb. 22, 2021 The Nutritional Benefits of Mustard Microgreens

The Nutritional Benefits of Mustard Microgreens W H A T A R E M I C R O G R E E N S ?

Basically, microgreens are the seedlings of vegetables and herbs. Some common microgreens that are used by chefs are arugula, kale and beets, just to name a few examples. Microgreens are becoming very popular lately but they have been used by chefs for many years. They are said to be very delicious which is why they have become so well liked in recent times. Including microgreens to your dish adds an interesting texture also. You may find that microgreens are used mostly in fine dining and that is because it is quite a bit pricey. But not anymore. Eartharomaa microgreens makes it a daily staple for all.

A R E T H E R E B E N E F I T S O F E A T I N G M U S T A R D M I C R O G R E E N S ?


Of all the spices that are traded around the entire world, did you know that mustard is the second most popular spice? Yes it is! Mustard microgreens are very much like any other microgreen; tender and juicy while offering a gentle spicy kick. Consuming mustard microgreens offer a wide range of nutritional benefits. It is said to be a good source of several vitamins such as A, B6, C, K and E. It is high in carbohydrates, protein, fiber, folate, calcium, iron and sodium, just to name a few. Mustard microgreens is said to be one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. This particular microgreen is loaded with nutritious value which is capable of fighting off diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and possibly cancer.

S O M E O T H E R N U T R I T I O N A L B E N E F I T S O F M U S T A R D M I C R O G R E E N S A R E :

  1. It contains high levels of antioxidants - Research has shown that the antioxidant content in these microgreens has the ability to reduce the rate of growth of certain cancers, such as colon, bladder and lung cancer. It will also be helpful in fighting off any flu-like symptoms, therefore keeping away any viral infections.
  2. It detoxifies the liver and blood - When consumed, mustard microgreens helps the body to remove toxins from the liver and blood.
  3. It aids in digestion - microgreens in general are easy to digest. When we have sufficient fiber in our foods, it promotes smoother bowel movements which therefore mean a reduction in the occurrence of hemorrhoids and even colon cancer.
  4. It helps to relieve congestion - It helps to clear our the sinuses and congested mucus membranes.
  5. It helps build strong bones because of the high calcium and vitamin K content - Vitamin K aids in the provision of healthy bone development in the body.
  6. It helps build the immune system - The Vitamin C that is contained in the mustard microgreens helps to strengthen the immune system.
  7. It hinders the growth of cancer cells - This is due to the high antioxidant levels.
  8. It provides relief for persons with arthritis - These greens have anti- imflammatory properties which play a helpful role in reducing a person's arthritis pains.
  9. It slows aging
  10. It reduces the likelihood of migraines occurring
  11. It stimulates healthy hair growth
  12. It aids the relief of muscle pains
  13. It reduces fever symptoms
  14. It promotes skin and eye health
  15. It contains polyphenols which is associated with the reduced risk of heart disease and even Alzheimer's.

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